We all been through a hard thinking time
What to do? Who can help me to decide? Is it the right decision to take? What they will think about me? Do I really want to do this? What others will think about me? How to be me and stop pleasing people??
Usually when I worry like that it's a bad sign. It's mean that I've lost my inner peace somewhere.
I start to feel stressed and my thoughts battle for the one who will obsess me the most. In the mix of it, I feel agitate and it's hard to focus on anything in particular. In result, I wast my time and energy in unnecessary things. So the winner thought will stay grip in my mind and turn in around alike an old scratch vinyl.
At this stage, I have to admit that the contamination is in progress. But how did it start, who inoculate me theses worries, who violate my inner peace. Why did I allow it to happen? And don't start with it's somebody else fault. Not even the fault of the weather or the car refusing to start…you know what I mean.
Now I have to stop what I'm doing. I have to intensively concentrate on what I want to do.
I'm clearly on the wrong path, I need to find the right direction, to found my joy back? HELP!
Can someone really help me? Can a coach, my boss, my mum... can tell me what to do when I fell lost like that in my mind?
Maybe a glass of wine? a cigarette? or any other stupid illicit drug? NOoooo really no. You don't want to destroy your body in order to restore your thought back. This illusionary dumb patch will be prove worst with time. That will only create an other bigger problem. And as a grown up, you don't want to rely on chemical when you know that the solution can be simple and costless.
Great what is this revolutionary solution then? I need it now.
First of all, I have to admit that I have create this stress. Yes me. How? By making a point when I could have just shut my moth, by acting without thinking, by trying to change something or someone who clearly don't want to, by getting frustrate for pity things, by refusing to admit that I could be wrong…
No I'm not confusing you or creating a new stress. Just be honest. What ever happen around me, I, we, You should remain in control of your mind, nobody else. Clearly I don't know what you are thinking about but now it's time to relax. Take a deep breath and Stop thinking for a moment.
Now ask yourself this question? What am I thinking about? just write it down and all the thoughts which are coming with. the good and bad ideas, even the sub ideas. ALL of them even the repetitive and the absurd one. No it's not hard. You can do it.
Continue doing this till you feel empty, like you can not think about anything. Just do it.
Here you go you've drawn your mind. Now look at the result, how confusing it looks.
it's seems clear that you need a break. If you can not change something, try to change the way you see it. It's all about your perception of it. Take some time for you to meditate, pray, listen to your favourite song, then for one minute, force yourself to think about NOTHING. Empty your mind. One minute.…………………………………………
Welcome back. Breath and Smile. It's crystal clear.
If you believe in God, lean on him, cast your care in him. He will guide you.
If not, just let it go. It's something that you can not control don't torture yourself.
Let it go to move forward. Leave it for one or two day then the solution will appear to you.
Now you know what to do. Things are a little easier… Relax, stay calm and don't stress.
The power is in you. Follow your heart and believe in yourself.