Mum, dad & Kids-friendly event
So join us with your children and let's get creative.
Participation to the event : is £1 per person - Register SVP : HERE
Just bring some empty eggs, stuff to decorate them and some cakes and chocolate eggs to share.
We will Start the afternoon with fun activities like egg dyeing, egg decorating and other crafts, then host a spring-inspired lunch followed by tasty sweets.
Finish off the party with a traditional egg hunt in the park. Kids will love every second of this Easter-y day.
So Come on, Join us & Share!
Please RSVP till 1h before the event : On EventBrite
+ Register on meetup group : Women Empowered Club
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About us...
With this group, I wanted to create an intimate space where women could gather to network and share resources. Through our experience of life, our background, our tears and joy, we will be able to enjoy our life by relate toeach others, learn new things, change our perspectives, tackle inequality, be strong and optimist for our futur by imply inspiring each other to revive old goals, make new ones and move towards them.
Found more about Women Empowered and Wellbeing Club : Join us here.

So please Let's meet up! Take the time out to RSVP for one of our scheduled meeting time!
Looking forward to another great meet up:-)
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